Twinning between territories

The role of twinning

Twinning between territories (whether or not they are members of TOGETHER) is a key element of cohesion and solidarity on an international scale. In this respect, they play a major role in the project of universal solidarity. However, to achieve this, they must go beyond a simple administrative relationship between elected local authorities, and involve the various components of local society in each of the territories concerned. This invites us to reflect on what would be the characteristics of a good twinning arrangement.

Characteristics of good twinning (objective)

  • Cooperation links between the two territories: The cooperation links between actors in the two territories of a twinning arrangement, whether they are public actors or from civil society, can be very diverse. They may be:
    • links between companies to exchange know-how. See the example of Aguas das Cadeiras where women who want to produce wine to ensure a minimum income need technological support
    • sponsorship of children from one region by people from the other region. See the example of Riberão Galinha where sponsorship of children would make it possible to provide school transport for children living in mountain areas that are too far away to be able to go to school.
    • links can also be created by welcoming refugees or emigrants, who act as ambassadors between the areas concerned
    • solidarity tourism can also be a source of new links, by organising the reception of tourists from the twinned area in the area visited. In this way, tourism becomes a human and social experience full of meaning and discovery.

The diversification of links is the source of many possible synergies, so that little by little a proximity is built up through the social links between twinned territories, in the absence of geographical proximity. For more information, see the inter-territoriality thematic network and twinning between co-responsible territories?.

  • Solidarity in terms of access to resources with a view to redressing the balance between the most advantaged regions (generally in northern countries) and the least advantaged regions (generally in southern countries). This may involve, for example, sending materials, equipment, etc.
  • Mutual learning in terms of universal solidarity: from this point of view, it's often the opposite: it's the experience of countries in the South that can inspire countries in the North, particularly in terms of setting up residents' associations operating on the basis of solidarity and direct democracy.

Links with the Universal Solidarity Fund

Each twinning can call on the Universal Solidarity Fund for key projects that need additional funding. Conversely, the players in each area can contribute to the USF by funding the local USF account. In this case, an association of local residents (or a local partnership) should be set up to manage the account and co-decide on the use of the fund, either for the twinned area, for universal solidarity in general, or to meet the needs of the most disadvantaged in the area itself. Exchanges and learning between twinning arrangements The development of inter-territorial twinning varies from one twinning to another, hence the importance of networking to exchange experiences and learn from each other. This will be an opportunity to reactivate the inter-territoriality thematic network and twinning between co-responsibility territories?

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